Violin Blog

Just showing my progress along the years


28th October 2020

Practice Sessions This new section aims to showcase the kind of things that I am practicing along the week. Technique Bowing: School of…


22nd October 2020

Trills In order to understand the exercises practiced the following images will be useful. Corchea/Quaver/Eighth note In this setup we try…


14th October 2020

Trills I started learning trills, so here I just talk how I practice them. Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi 60 bpm (♩ tempo) Now the…


30th September 2020

Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II 72bpm Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi 100bpm Suggestion: Watch it at 2x 😉


23th September 2020

Right hand technique practice Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II 80bpm Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi 80bpm Suggestion: Watch it at 2x 😉


16th September 2020

Here it’s presented the first attempt at playing both pieces at 80bpm. There are clear mistakes, but I am also trying to correct the right…


9th September 2020

Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II Preparation Étude N. 13 Laoureux Book II Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi Suggestion: Watch it at 2x…


2nd September 2020

Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi 2nd part


26th August 2020

Lagrimas y sonrisas Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II (only finale) Concerto Op. 3 N. 6 I. Allegro Vivaldi


19th August 2020

Lagrimas y sonrisas Étude N. 12 Laoureux Book II Part 1 Part 2